Theme Park Tourist features a wide-range of in-depth features and articles, covering rides, attractions and restaurants at theme parks all over the world. As well as previews and reviews of new rides, look out for "Top 10" lists and tips for saving time and money on your next park visit.

Imagine Being Quarantined Inside ONE Disney Parks Land... Which Would You Choose? Here Are Our Picks...

Chances are, you've been spending a lot of time around your home and neighborhood recently. Working from your living room; working out in your bedroom; walking around the neighborhood for relaxation; ordering carry-out from local restaurants nearby... For most of us, this spring has been an exercise

Missing Disney Parks? How to Take on Disney Withdrawals with STYLE

Let’s face it—some of us have developed a severe case of the Disney Shakes. No, I don’t mean that Peanut Butter and Jelly Milkshake you nailed last week —we’ve explored the phenomenon known as the Disney Shakes before here on Theme Park Tourist . You may be familiar with its many symptoms

8 Things that 2000's Kids LOVED at Walt Disney World

The 2000’s were, admittedly, a weird time for Disney fans…

Search for GIANT Hidden Mickeys in This Google Maps Scavenger Hunt from Home!

Today, we invite you to join us on a worldwide tour of five massive Hidden Mickeys – so big, you may have stood inside of them and not even noticed!

COVID-CLOSURES: If ONE RIDE Had to Disappear From Each Park Over Closure, Here's Which We'd Vote Out

Modern civilization has never seen an event quite like the COVID-19 pandemic, tearing through the world during winter and spring of 2020. For the first time in history, every single Disney Park on Earth is completely and totally closed in a desperate bid to reduce the transmission of a highly

HOMEMADE MAGIC: 8 Quarantine-Created Disney Ride Recreations That Keep The Magic Alive

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world in incalculable ways as it wreaks havoc and devestation on populations and industries across the globe. But leave it to Imagineering fans to look toward the "great, big, beautiful tomorrow" shining at the end of it, channeling this "world of hopes and

The 4 Biggest Theme Park Challenges Facing Bob Chapek

Passionate Disney Parks fans grumbled about Chapek’s management of the theme parks over the years, but for the majority of Disney Watchers, all Chapek would need to do is continue on autopilot for a few years while he found his footing. Now, all of that is out the window.

Every Decade Has ONE Theme Park Ride That Defines It. Do You Agree With Our Picks?

The best theme park attraction of all time. What would it take to earn that title?

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Theme Park Tourist is one of the web’s leading sources of essential information and entertaining articles about theme parks in Orlando and beyond.

We are one of the world’s largest theme park guide sites, hosting detailed guides to more than 80 theme parks around the globe.

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