Walt Disney has a wealth of quotes that have inspired his fans over the years. You’re probably aware that “it was all started by a mouse,” but you may not have heard some of these insights from the famous man behind all that is Disney.
“Disneyland is a work of love. We didn’t go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money.”
Sleeping Beauty Castle, Disneyland
Image: HarshLight, Flickr (license)
For Walt, opening a theme park was far more than a new venue for making money. It was the answer to a pressing problem he saw in the American landscape. Every weekend, Walt would take his daughters out to local parks. The family’s Sunday routine was to head to Griffith Park after Sunday school to ride the carousel. Walt later recalled these weekends as “some of the happiest days of my life.”
Yet, while his girls were on the merry-go-round happily spinning again and again, Walt was on the sidelines. He said, “I’d be sitting there trying to figure out what you could do.” At the time, parents were typically stuck on a stiff park bench while children enjoyed the attractions. Compounding the problem was that many amusement parks weren’t necessarily wholesome places. Adults needed to keep a close eye on their children in areas often described as seedy neighborhoods.
Walt wanted to provide families with an escape everyone could enjoy. His dream for Disneyland never centered around steep ticket prices and a growing bank account. Rather, he pursued the park for sheer love of the idea, and the joy it gave him to imagine giving such an unforgettable experience to children and their parents.
“All right, I’m corny. But I think there’s about a hundred and forty million people in this country who are just as corny as I am.”
Storytellers Statue, Disney California Adventure Park
Image: Sam Howzit, Flickr (license)
As Walt readily proved, there’s no shame in being a little silly, whimsical, and childlike. He readily described himself as being “corny” and was proud to wear the adjective. Unlike many people who feel self-conscious about their ways, Walt knew that many if not most of the people around him were just as silly as he, whether they showed it or not. So walk like Walt and never be afraid to show your wild side.
“I’ve always had a feeling that any time you can experiment you ought to do it. You’ll never know what will come out of it.”
Quote inside Horizons at Epcot
Image: Sam Howzit, Flickr (license)
Walt’s films and theme parks would never have come into existence if he hadn’t been willing to believe in the impossible. The Walt Disney Company is still known for testing the limits. Its Imagineers are famous for their eccentricity and out-of-the-box thinking styles. Pushing the limits and trying new things is at the very core of the legacy that Walt left behind. Anyone looking to emulate him would do well to adopt the Imagineers’ “blue sky” thinking. As in, the sky is the limit, and nothing is too outlandish for consideration.
“Life is composed of lights and shadows, and we would be untruthful, insincere, and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows.”
Image: Rain Love AMR, Flickr (license)
This quote may seem off-base for the man who inspired a line of theme parks that essentially aim to lock out the real world and transport guests to a pixie-dusted alternative to reality. However, a closer look at the attractions you find inside the parks will reveal a very balanced look at the world around us.
Far from being all rainbows and sunshine, Disney films nearly always have a darker side. Walt also said, “For every laugh, there should be a tear.” He didn’t want to talk down to children or patronize them in any way. One of his top priorities was to always honor the intelligence in even the youngest film viewers. The near-constant presence of death and tragedy in Disney films comes from this mentality. The world isn’t without its sadness, and Walt believed his productions should adhere to that truth.
“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”
Image: Sam Howzit, Flickr (license)
Walt Disney was an animator, cartoonist, filmmaker, and theme park designer. Nowhere on his resume was he an author in the traditional sense, but Walt was undeniably a storyteller. Though he built a thriving business around bringing immersive stories to life, he still revered the source of these tales.
While plopping down in front of a television or movie screen may seem like the only way to really enjoy the latest Disney piece, you could better emulate Walt Disney by curling up with a good book. Books were the source for many of Disney’s best-known productions. Rather than producing original works, the company has thrived on reimagining classic fairy tales. Get back to the roots of what it’s all about and start seeking out the treasure that can be found in a book.
“A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive.”
Partners Statue at Walt Disney World
Image: Joel, Flickr (license)
If you’re looking for broad-reaching advice about how to organize your life according to Walt, you’ve got it all in this quote. Set your goal early and put your all into achieving it. Walt was a dreamer, but he was never one to get lost in his dreams to the point of apathy in his everyday life. He was always acting, experimenting, and doing. In short, the world’s ultimate dreamer was also one of its most accomplished doers, putting to rest the idea that a person is typically one or the other. Dream big and be both.
Walt’s words offer a deep well of wisdom that not only gives a little insight into how his legacy came about, but also provides some inspiration for those who would like to walk in his shoes.