Meeting characters in a Walt Disney World theme park may seem like an activity that is exclusive to children, but this is not the case. Walt Disney wanted to create theme parks so that both adults and children would be able to have fun. As such, there is no shame in visiting character meet and greets as an adult, and there are actually plenty of ways to make these experiences unforgettable.
Know the characters
Image: Brittany DiCologero
Among the long list of reasons why adults (especially those without children) do not tend to prioritize meeting characters is quite simple: They do not actually know the characters. They probably know the characters who were popular when they were kids, but anyone from a movie in the past five years or so will likely be a mystery. If not a mystery, these characters may be familiar, but may not hold the same value as a character that was special during their childhoods.
Knowing Disney movies (and the characters) is an important part of any Disney trip, as there are so many details that will go unnoticed by guests if they do not already have a basic understanding of the story. Of course, some characters might be easier than others to enjoy meeting without fully remembering their films. If you’re looking for a photo with a princess, and you happen to meet Merida whose movie you may not have seen, you’ll be able to get the basic idea of what her story is all about. However meeting Chewbacca or Kylo Ren when you’ve never seen Star Wars will probably just leave you confused and regretful of the time you spent waiting to see characters you don’t really know.
Plan your time wisely
Image: Nora Marimon
Speaking of time spent waiting, one way to get the most out of character meet and greets is to spend as little time as possible waiting in line for them. This point is actually one of the perks of being a “childless” adult. Where some guests spend most of their trips to the park in line for different characters that their children want to see, you as an adult have total control over how you spend your time.
This sense of control means that you can plan your day around whatever you want to do most in the parks, which may or may not include characters– and if it does include meeting characters, you can choose the most efficient way of doing so. Character dining for instance may be more appealing to you if you don’t have another two or three family members to consider when planning your budget. If you happen to be in the parks late into the evening, when many families with children have already begun to leave, the lines at meet and greets like Princess Fairytale Hall will be shorter. Not having to go by the varying schedules that comes with visiting the parks with children means that you’ll have more flexibility in where and when you choose to meet characters.
Have a conversation
Image: Brittany DiCologero
So many adults meet characters simply to get a picture as a souvenir before going off to enjoy the rest of their day. Especially if you’re meeting one of your favorite characters, just relax and have a conversation with them. Ask them about something you know they would love to discuss from seeing their film, or simply compliment them on their outfit and go from there. Though everyone knows that meeting characters can be an interactive experience for kids, adults can have the same outcome as well.
Another fun way to meet characters as an adult is to do so while you’re celebrating something. Have a birthday button? Just engaged? Disney characters would love to celebrate whatever event you may be having and wish you all the best. Visiting characters while celebrating something special can also make for even better photos, whether it be Mickey singing “Happy Birthday,” or a princess reacting to how many years your anniversary is celebrating, some of the best (candid) photos come out of these meet and greets.
Bring something interesting
Image: Brittany DiCologero
Adults may not be running around the parks collecting autographs in a standard Disney autograph book, but they can be found pursuing autographs for other reasons. Some guests create DIY projects out of character autographs, including picture frames, backpacks, blank Vinylmation figures and more! If you really love certain characters you’re bound to get creative in how you can collect autographs. Whether you get Cinderella to sign a picture frame which will later house your photo with her, or get Rapunzel (and maybe Flynn!) to sign a frying pan to hang in your kitchen, there are plenty of opportunities to create fun souvenirs that you simply wouldn’t think of as a kid.
Image: Brittany DiCologero
DisneyBounding is definitely more popular with adults than kids (or at least compared to kids who are not dressed by their DisneyBounding parents) and it can be a great way to interact with some of your favorite characters. While not full costumes, DisneyBounding is the practice of wearing outfits inspired by classic Disney characters. If getting awesome pictures with characters is your goal then DisneyBounding can be an excellent way to do so.
Contrary to what many non-DisneyBounders believe, DisneyBounding does not need to be expensive. With a large online following, you’re sure to find plenty of ideas for how you can DisneyBound during your next trip with clothes that you already own. DisneyBounding is also helpful in making character meet and greets more interactive, and thereby allowing you to get the most out of the experience. More often than not, the characters will know who you’re DisneyBounding as and play off that in conversation.
Respect character integrity
Image: Theresa Colella
The most important part of meeting characters whether you have children or not is respecting character integrity. Character integrity means that each character is real, and as such there is only one of each character. It is the reason why when the afternoon parade steps off in the Magic Kingdom, characters meeting guests in other parts of the park who are in the parade will head backstage– because since they are real they cannot be in two places at once.
Logistically (and because we’re all adults here) you can think what you want to on the matter. One of the reasons why Disney as an entertainment company does such an excellent job with character meet and greets in the parks is because of character integrity. Children who visit the parks know they are meeting the real characters, and that’s what makes their visit so special. If you can allow yourself to suspend a little bit of disbelief as an adult, you can experience those same feelings and meet the real characters too.
Image: Brittany DiCologero
If you just can’t let yourself believe, and you feel that you know for a fact exactly what is going on behind the scenes, keep it to yourself! Character integrity helps keep the magic alive for children and families visiting the parks, and even if you just can’t get over your sense of logic, plenty of other guests are there to enjoy themselves character integrity included. Saying things like “The performers must be hot,” or “Why don’t they just have more than one actor out,” can easily ruin the magic for guests around you, and are thoughts better kept to yourself.
Be yourself
Image: Theresa Colella
Unless your true self involves outing character integrity to other guests, don’t be afraid to be yourself when meeting characters! The negative stigma we often think of when we hear of childless adults meeting characters is partially perpetuated by those adults who do not feel comfortable doing so without kids. If you want to meet characters, then you meet characters. It’s your vacation and you shouldn’t be so concerned with what other people are thinking that it’s preventing you from having a good time.
Sure you may get a view looks from other guests but it’s honestly not going to actually impact your vacation. And the more likely scenario is that other guests won’t even take notice. Most guests in the park are in their own sort of bubble, so while you may feel self conscious there is a good chance that other guests don’t even take any notice to you at all. Character meet and greets can be fun for guests of all ages, and they should not be something to be made fearful of just because your party is made up entirely of adults.