UPDATE October 12 – We are closely following the developments with the Classic Monsters land over at Epic Universe. Bioreconstruct has posted further tweets showing aerial images of the site as it currently looks. The aerial overview below gives you a clear idea of the layout.
Aerial overview of Classic Monsters land in Epic Universe
1 Front of the in-park hotel
2 Park’s fountain basin. Muddied and drying out from Hurricane Ian
3 Restaurant outside the land
4 Most likely a roller coaster
5 Featured attraction in the land pic.twitter.com/Bf02Xx532a— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) October 9, 2022
It now looks like a manor will front the featured attraction. There are also more signs of a roller coaster with a line of circular concrete forms which look like footers.
Aerial photo of part of Classic Monsters land in Epic Universe. A manor will front the featured attraction, at top center. It’s believed to be a roller coaster under construction in the lower right quarter of this photo. pic.twitter.com/ayWw97iOvt
— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) October 9, 2022
There is also word that a themed village is likely to be built in the Classic Monsters land which is certainly exciting news for Universal monsters fans. It is looking like this land will be a fantastic area of Epic Universe.
Aerial look at where a themed village is likely to be built at Classic Monsters land in Epic Universe. Manor to be at left, and entrance of the featured attraction.
Arrow at what seems to be utility work under a service road. pic.twitter.com/3CuvMMHim2
— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) October 9, 2022
Let us know your thoughts on the Classic Monsters land by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page. We will keep you updated on further developments from Epic Universe here at Theme Park Tourist.
UPDATE October 4 – Universal Classic Monster fans are going to be in for a real treat when Epic Universe opens in 2025. We are keeping track of current progress and are pleased to bring you the latest photo from Bioreconstruct and also a mock up from @tommyhawkins of what fans can expect from the land.
Back Revisting Monsters land tonight. We obtained some public documents that confirmed the building locations in the land with the new coaster, including their heights, so I have mocked up some walls, to give a sense of what it will look like insidehttps://t.co/qu55t1f3yw pic.twitter.com/l6vyDNZKLX
— Tommy Hawkins (@tommyhawkins) October 2, 2022
As you can see, the portal into the Land can be clearly seen and the positions of the two likely restaurants are marked. The overlay by Tommy Hawkins brings the area more to life and you can start to imagine the positioning of the roller coaster which will be a focal point for the Land. Work is certainly progressing well on this highly anticipated Universal Classic Monsters Land.
Back in January we started a poll asking you which your favorite Universal Classic Monster was and the top four came out as:
- Dracula
- The Wolf Man
- The Creature From The Black Lagoon
- Frankenstein
We are following this up with an ultimate head to head between the top four to see which Universal Classic Monster you are hoping to see come featured at Epic Universe? Let us know by voting in our Poll below:
August 22 – Fans of Universal Classic Monsters will be excited to see the construction progress at Epic Universe. Bioreconstruct has posted a number of photos on twitter showing the site with the layout of the Classic Monsters Land being seen in the photo below.
Aerial overview of Classic Monsters land
1 Featured attraction
2 Set of recently added columns
3 Land gateway
4 Epic Universe center fountain basin
5 Restaurant
6 Roller Coaster footers
7 New concrete wall work pic.twitter.com/FARwcDZskL— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) August 20, 2022
January 30 – This week we heard on January 28, that the new Classic Monsters Tribute Store named ‘A Tribute To The Creatures Of The Night’ has opened at Universal Studios Florida. The store will be open daily until The Revenge of the Mummy reopens after its lengthy refurbishment later this Summer.
It has also been announced this week that Epic Universe will open ready for Summer 2025. This probably came as a relief to many Universal fans who may have perhaps started to wonder whether Epic Universe would happen at all after what has seemed like endless delays and a complete lack of updates in recent months.

We found out last year that Epic Universe is set to have a whole land dedicated to the much loved (or hated!) Classic Monsters and Universal will no doubt use the ‘A Tribute To The Creatures Of The Night’ tribute store as an important opportunity to gleen information as to which monsters guests are most interested in.
The new tribute store is already proving very popular with rave reviews already appearing online. To celebrate the opening this week of this new store we thought it would be fun to come up with our own list of Top Universal Classic Monsters.
So, it is simple, vote for your favorite Classic Monster from the list below. Yes, I know it is going to be tricky for some of you because how do you choose from such a stellar line up? Well, that is your challenge. Here is the list:
- The Mummy
- The Invisible Man
- Frankenstein
- Dracula
- The Creature From The Black Lagoon
- The Wolf Man
- Beetlejuice
- Jack The Clown
- The Phantom of the Opera
- The Bride of Frankenstein
CLICK HERE to vote and don’t forget to share this poll with your friends and family. Let us know if we have missed a Classic Monster and we will be sure to include it in our results article which will be coming soon to Theme Park Tourist.